B. inggris


Complete the letters with your own words

Letter 2


I am writing this letter to_______and that was held at your excellent service. Our________that was held at your hotel was extremely successful.
The compliments that i have received on your staff's courteousness and the________ food that your chefs prepared for the occasion have been numerous. I am very________ to take the decision of choosing to organize the_______ at your wonderful hotel.
Thank you_______ helping to make our event a huge succes. Hope to______ such service always with your hotel.

Inggrid wibowo

1 Jawaban

  • Kelas: SMA
    Pelajaran: English
    Kategori: letter of compliment

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    ....writing to compliment.....
    Our event which /that .....
    and the special food .....
    I am very pleased.....
    ...to organise the event at .....
    Thank you for helping....
    Hope to experience such service...
    Best Regards,

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