buku bahasa inggris bab 4 kelas 7 halaman 68 ktsp 2013
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban gumantinr
Direction menggunakan konjungsi untuk mendeskripsikan location, seperti
1. in front of = di depan
2. behind = di belakang
3. on the right = di sebelah kanan
4. on the left = di sebelah kiri
5. between = di antara
6. next to = di sebelah
7. across from = di seberang
8. on the corner = di pojok
1. the bank is on the left, next to the post office, across from the tax office.
(bank di sebelah kiri kantor pos, di sebelah kantor pos, di seberang kantor pajak.)
2. the post office is next to the bank, across from the tax office.
(kantor pos di sebelah bank, di seberang kantor pajak)
3. The tax office is on the corner, next to the bank, across from the post office.
(Kantor pajak di pojok, di sebelah bank, di seberang kantor pos)
4. The school is on the right, next to the post office, across from the police station.
(sekolah di sebelah kanan, di sebelah kantor pos, di seberang kantor polisi).
5. The hospital is on the left, in front of police station, across from the post office.
(Rumah sakit di sebelah kiri, di depan kantor polisi, di seberang kantor pos)
6. The police station is on the left, across from hospital)
(kantor polisi di sebelah kiri, di seberang rumah sakit)
Detil Jawaban
Kelas: VII
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: This is My World (Chapter 4)
Kode: 7.5.4
Kata Kunci: public buildings, location, Prepositions